Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Juxtaposition 2

Juxtaposition Part 2

In this part of the topic I will still discuss about Juxtaposition but more details are put into it. In juxtaposition, the change of meaning will automatically happen, from something that is familiar to something that is less familiar. And this where the action between left brain and right brain take place.

During the lecture, the lecturer talk about Analogy.Analogy is branches to two different topic, that is Metaphor and Simile which links to Juxtaposition.

What is Metaphor:
A metaphor is when something is use to represent something else.If two ideas are compared, and there are obvious similarities between them, that is not consider as metaphor.Metaphor is usually created when two different thought are joined together in a creative ways.Usually metaphor don't use as or like.
An example of metaphor :
"Life is a journey" quoted from English forum

What is Simile:
Similes use as or like

In juxtaposition, there are two types of analogies:
1. Logical Analogies
2. Affective Analogies

1. Logical Analogies
When similarities are used in design, function or structure which it can connect back to the subject. This is what we call logical analogies.
Example: "the comparison of the whale and a submarine, where both can dive to great depths but still need to surface for air." Quoted from lecturer's notes.

2. Affective Analogies
To resemble an emotion. As an example, animal are used to represent or to explain a certain characteristic of a person. It is mostly use in a conversation between two or more person.
Example: "he is like a pig (because he is lazy)." Quoted from lecturer's notes.

Taken from the lecturer's notes


Taken from google image search on Juxtaposition - Analogy

Lecturer's notes
English Forum

Juxtaposition 1

What is Juxtaposition?

Juxtaposition is known as putting two things, such as two words or two object side by side that show two comparison and by that people will start to generate different meaning, different idea or turning something that recognizable to something that is people can't recognize. Juxtaposition can also be define as arranging two or even more ideas, action, phrases or words beside each other for the purpose of doing comparison, and to develop a certain character.

Juxtaposition is use in making a film or a movie to expand the development of the storyline or the characters. Juxtaposition is useful to get more emotions, character values or treats and also images for the characters.

There are Juxtaposition(literally) which two text or object that oppose one another and there are also Random Juxtaposition which two random objects moving in parallel.


The above image is juxtaposition between the microphone and the man. From my point of view the microphone looks like the spectacles for that man or it looks like the microphone is poking into the man's eye.


Juxtaposition happen between the small bicycle and the sport bike.

Reference :
Lecture's notes.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Class activity

Uses of Mortar and Pestle in the future

For game and suffer.

For the first image, what i think in the future the mortar and pestle can be use for a game such as rafting game. The mortar as the raft and the pestle as the paddle and for the second image, in the future the mortar and pestle can be use to make a person suffer. The mortar can be use as a bucket to keep a person's blood or head after being hit, or even as a surface to place a person's head and the pestle is use as an object to hit a person's head.

For tools.

In the future the mortar and pestle can be use as a tools to build a wall. The mortar as a bucket for the cement and the pestle as the plaster tool.